Wednesday, 26 November 2008

my one and only invention

Posh luncheterias should wrap their takeaway toasted sandwiches in goretex to eliminate the inevitable sogginess.

Thank you


Thursday, 13 November 2008

A man is known by the company he keeps (part 2)

15:32:40  JL : to be honest though today is the first day all year i have not been fundamentally bullish on the long term picture for equities--mainly on news that Obama was creating a "Car Czar"

15:33:05  PM : please please please let it be someone called Gabor.

15:33:12  *** JL  rang the bell


Please don’t think any less of me…


For the record

I just want it to be known that I think Keynes was a dick. And his investments were nearly completely wiped out by the first great depression (GD1) so his advice is exactly what I don’t need right now. And he was probably smelly too.


Thursday, 6 November 2008

How fooked is the UK?

Many people will tell you that the last time the UK base rate was 3% was in 1955. What they won’t tell you is the last time the rate was cut by 1.5% was in 1854….