Thursday 12 June 2008

The real market movers

Stock market participants have super-powers - that’s why they get paid so much money. And these are no ordinary super-powers like super-strength or x-ray vision. They are incredibly subtle. John, for example, can make the market go up by eating. The more delicious the food, the quicker and further it moves up. Phil, on the other hand, moves the market down with his eating but the impact is correlated to the sweetness of the food.


Unfortunately, all these superpowers being thrown around tend to make the markets very messy. The picture shows a typical day in the DJ Stoxx 600 with some blow-by-blow commentary from yours truly.


So the next time you hear someone talking about how the market is up because of something that Bernanke said, you can smile knowingly and tell them that John has just finished his foie gras and moving onto his Kobe steak.


Oh, and just in case you were wondering, my super-power is the ability to shouting naughty words at my screens.




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